The Chicagoland Quarterly Housing Report and the
Chicagoland Monthly Market Pulse: NOTE: Effective 2015, the Chicagoland Quarterly Housing Report for single family detached homes is no longer being published. The long-standing support of our friends and clients who eagerly awaited our market studies is greatly appreciated. "WHAT HAPPENED?" you ask. Some of the backstory here... First of all, today's technology allows the consumer as well as real estate professionals to find the same statistics we published. For example, the Months Supply of Inventory was not "a thing" in the 1990's and 2000's, but today it is commonly discussed. In hindsight, it became an important, if not critical measured statistic during the real estate recession in 2007-2010. And we saw it coming. The interesting part of our study is that we presented it in a way that made sense - by region so communities in a particular market area could be observed in a rank-order to see how competing communities were performing. We compiled this information back to the middle 1990's, so it further provided a historical perspective of the same exact statistic. Today's statistics published by NAR and other organizations are visually appealing with fancy statistics, are generally month to month, or year over year, or even a 3 or 5-year trend. We presented the raw numbers in a way that was easy to understand. Then, the legal team at our local MLS reached out to me and said that publishing the statistics was a breach of contract for membership, thus jeopardizing my ability to be a member to access the data in the MLS (a critical element in our business). I never "sold" the reports we produced, but rather used them in the daily residential real estate appraisal and consulting operations to help measure trends, providing guidance on subtle or dramatic changes in our sub-markets. Because I was compiling the data and presenting them in rank-order by region, we then shared them with fellow clients and interested real estate professionals in hope that our firm would be remembered for potential referral business in the future. I continue to maintain these quarterly statistics internally, as I have now for over 25 years. Unfortunately, I no longer publish them making them publicly available. If you would like to contact me privately, I may be able to help you with your needs. Please e-mail or call me to have a discussion. Thank you for all of your support through the decades. NOTE: Effective February 1, 2014, the Chicagoland Monthly Market Pulse is no longer being published. The Chicagoland Quarterly Housing Report for single family detached homes will continue and additional communities have been added to the report. Prior to February 2014, the Chicagoland Quarterly Housing Report and the Chicagoland Monthly Market Pulse reports were housing trends and supply/demand study for many communities throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area. These Reports were compiled monthly and quarterly by local appraisers Chip Wagner of A.L. Wagner Appraisal Group, jointly with Bob Headrick of Robert E. Headrick & Assoc. Between 2005 and 2007, it was referred to as the "Headrick-Wagner Report," but has been changed to the Chicagoland Quarterly Housing Report and the Chicagoland Monthly Market Pulse housing studies, utilizing statistics from the MRED, LLC, our MLS system. Previous reports are archived on this page. The "Inventory Supply Analysis" is based on active listings, pending sales, contingencies, and properties that have closed during the previous 12 months. Inventory, or months supply, is represented in the number of months it would take to deplete the current active listings based upon the past year's Absorption Rate. The months shown do not represent marketing time, but marketing time is affected by inventory levels. Please e-mail us or call us to request the most recent "Quarterly or Monthly Report." Please note - we no longer maintain a list and no longer distribute an eNewsletter. We occassionally blog at our ChipShots blogsite, and also provide more timely information on our company Facebook page. (Links to each are embedded. Don't forget to Like and Follow my company Facebook page to see updates) Select the study that you would like to view, or create
your own personalized report. The are in PDF format, and you will need
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Quartely Report 4/1/2015 (With year over year change) Presentation from Residential Conditions of the Chicago Market seminar on 4/22/2015 Quartely Report 1/1/2015 (With year over year change) 2014 QUARTERLY AND MONTHLY MARKET REPORTS Quartely Report Fall 2014 - 10/1/2014 (With year over year change) Quartely Report Summer 2014 (7/1/2014) (NO year over year change) Quarterly Report 4/1/2014 (not available at this time - contact our office) Market Pulse Detached (January 2014) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (January 2014) Quartely Report 1/1/2014 (With year over year change) Quarterly Report 1/1/2014 (Special Issue with Change from Previous Quarter) Special Report - Chicagoland Mean Sales Price Trend Special Report - Chicagoland Months Supply of Inventory Trend 2013 QUARTERLY AND MONTHLY MARKET REPORTS Market Pulse Detached (December 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (December 2013) Market Pulse Detached (November 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (November 2013) Market Pulse Detached (October 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (October 2013) Quarterly Report 10/1/2013 (With year over year change) Market Pulse Detached (September 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (September 2013) Market Pulse Detached (August 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (August 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (July 2013) Market Pulse Detached (July 2013) Quarterly Report 7/1/2013 (With year over year change) Market Pulse Detached (June 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (June 2013) Market Pulse Detached (May 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (May 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (April 2013) Market Pulse Detached (April 2013) Quarterly Report 4/1/2013 (With year over year change) Market Pulse Detached (March 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (March 2013) Market Pulse Detached (February 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (February 2013) Market Pulse Detached (January 2013) Market Pulse Attached TPE=2/Attached (January 2013) Quarterly Report 1/1/2013 (With year over year change) Quarterly Report 1/1/2013 (Special Issue with Change from Previous Quarter)